“Kidnapped” and sent to Trinidad

April 1972 - October 1977

Victor was able to get Hugh to a doctor, and it was confirmed that alcoholism was at the root of his problems. Living with Victor was not working, and Hugh eventually went to an old age home. He disliked the home and particularly the strict prohibition against alcohol; however, the enforced abstinence and the use of tranquilizers ‘to make him behave’ early in the treatment, proved effective. By the fall of 1976, he claimed he was walking perfectly, but he was in denial about alcohol being the problem. However, by February 1977, he began to acknowledge that alcohol was a problem.

Daphne, who had been corresponding with Hugh on a regular basis, was becoming increasingly concerned about his being kept at the old age home against his will, as he was by that time increasingly able to function on his own. While she was worried that Hugh might resume drinking, her over-riding concern was that he be able to choose his own way of living.